Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Refrigerator - a device that supports a low temperature in a thermally insulated chamber. Usually used for storing food or items that should be kept in a cool place. Household refrigerator has almost every family in the developed countries. The work is based on the use of the refrigerator cooling unit, which transfers heat from the refrigerator out of the working chamber, where it is dissipated into the environment. There are also commercial refrigerators with a larger cooling capacity, which are used in catering and in shops and industrial refrigerators, the volume of the chamber which can be tens or hundreds of cubic meters, they are used, for example, meat processing plants, factories. Refrigerators can be divided into two types: medium-temperature chamber for food storage and low temperature freezers. Freezer - a separate unit or part of the refrigerator, intended for freezing and storing food. The temperature in the freezer is usually -18 ° C. Recently, the most widely used refrigerator, incorporating both components. The first two-compartment refrigerators were produced by History of the Storage space for products that fill with ice, there were several thousand years ago. For Nero servants harvested on frozen ponds in the mountains of snow and ice. Southern Europe for a long time did not even know that snow and ice can be useful in the economy. The famous traveler and merchant Marco Polo after a long stay in China, wrote a book in which he described all the advantages of ice and snow. From the XVIII century container of pottery and porcelain bottles filled with wine, and then stacked on top of crushed ice. Kind of


Modigliani (Iedidiya) Clemente Modigliani (Italian Amedeo Clemente Modigliani; July 12, 1884, Livorno, Italy - January 24, 1920, Paris, France) - Italian painter and sculptor, one of the most famous artists of the late XIX - early XX century, a brilliant representative of expressionism .

Modigliani grew up in Italy, where he studied classical art and creative artists of the Renaissance, until in 1906 it moved to Paris. In Paris, he met with such great artists as Pablo Picasso and Constantin Brancusi, had a major influence on his work. Modigliani had poor health - he often suffered from a lung disease and the age of 35 died of tuberculosis. The life of the artist known only from a few reliable sources.
Modigliani heritage are mainly paintings and sketches, but from 1909 to 1914, he worked primarily on sculptures. As for the paintings and the sculpture, Modigliani was the main motive people. In addition preserved some landscapes; still lifes and genre paintings were not interested in the character of the artist. Modigliani often turned to the works of the representatives of the Renaissance, as well as popular at the time of African art. At the same time, Modigliani art can not be attributed to any of the modern trends of the time, such as Cubism and Fauvism. Because of this, consider the work of Modigliani's art apart from the main currents of the time. During the life of Modigliani had no success and became popular only after his death - at the last auction, "Sotheby's" in 2010, two paintings by Modigliani were sold at record prices for its heritage - 60.6 and 68.9 million


Venice (Italian: Venezia, veins. Venesia) - a town in northern Italy, on the Adriatic Sea. Best known for the fact that the historical part is located on the islands and channels. In the Middle Ages, Venice was the center of the Republic of Venice, one of the most important states in the Mediterranean. Now a major tourist and industrial center, the capital of the Veneto region and the province of Venice. Population - 270.4 thousand people (2009).
Geographical position
The port on the Adriatic Sea (turnover of over 21 million tons per year), International Airport Marco Polo.
The historic center is located on 118 islands in the Venetian lagoon, separated by 150 canals and channels through which airlifted some 400 bridges (including the Rialto and the so-called Bridge of Sighs, both belong to the end of the XVI century).
Industrial and port of Venice (Mestre) mainland. Shipbuilding and repair, non-ferrous metallurgy, petroleum, chemical, electrical, light industry. Craftwork art glass (Murano, Museum), lace (Burano Island), mosaics. University Conservatory of Music (1916). Museums (including the Academy Gallery of Art). The first public opera house (1637-1812), the opera "La Fenice" (1792).


Volcanoes - geological formation on the surface of the crust or another planet's crust where magma comes to the surface, forming a lava, volcanic gases, rocks (volcanic bombs) and pyroclastic flows.
The word "volcano" comes from the name of the Roman god of fire Vulcan.
The science that studies volcanoes - volcanology, geomorphology.
Volcanoes are classified by form (thyroid, stratovolcanoes, cinder cones, domes), activity (active, dormant, extinct), location (surface, underwater, subglacial), etc.
Volcanic activity
Volcanoes are divided according to the degree of volcanic activity on existing, dormant, extinct and dormant. Active volcano is considered to be a volcano erupted in the historical period of time or in the Holocene. The concept of an active rather inaccurate, since the volcano with active fumaroles, some scientists refer to the active, and some to the extinct. Dormant volcanoes are considered non-performing, which may eruption, and extinct - in that they are unlikely.
However, among volcanologists no consensus about how to define an active volcano. Period of volcanic activity may last from several months to several million years. Many volcanoes exhibit volcanic activity several thousand years ago, but now are not considered valid.

Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali (full name Salvador Domenech Felipe Jacint Dali Domenech, Marquis de Pubol, App. Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint Dalí i Domènech, Marqués de Dalí de Púbol; May 11, 1904 - January 23, 1989) - Spanish painter, draftsman, sculptor, filmmaker and writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism.
He worked on the film, "Un Chien Andalou", "Golden Age", "Bewitched." Author of "The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, told by himself" (1942), "Diary of a Genius» (1952-1963), Oui: The Paranoid-Critical Revolution (1927-33) and the essay "The Tragic Myth Angelus Millet."
Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904 in the town of Figueres, Girona, the son of a prosperous notary. The nationality of Catalan, see themselves as such, and insisted that its features. Had a sister and brother (October 12, 1901 - August 1, 1903), who died of meningitis. Later, at the age of 5 years, on his grave, my parents told Salvador that he - the reincarnation of his older brother.
In childhood. Dali was smart, but arrogant and uncontrollable child. Once he even started a scandal at the market square for candy around the crowd and the police asked the shopkeeper to open it during siesta and give a naughty boy, did this sweetness. He achieved his whims and simulation, always wanted to stand out and attract attention. Numerous complexes and phobias (fear of grasshoppers [1] and others [which?]) Allowed him to engage in a regular school, meet with the children the usual bonds of friendship and sympathy. But, like any other person, experiencing sensory deprivation, he was looking for emotional contact with children in any way, trying to get used to their team, if not as a friend, then in any other role, or rather the sole, as he could - as a shocking and disobedient child, strange, eccentric, always acting against the


Phone (ancient Greek. Τῆλε «far" and φωνή «voice", "sound") - a device to send and receive sound in the distance. Modern phones carried by the transmission of electrical signals.
Nonelectric "telephone"
Overall, the phone - is any device capable of transmitting sound over long distances. Most first telephones were mechanical devices that are based on sound propagation in continuous media (air) or other physical means, as opposed to electric devices using electromagnetic signals.
According to a letter to «Peking Gazette», in 968, a Chinese inventor Kung-Fu-wing created thumtsein, which is likely to transmit sound through the pipes. Talking through pipes used today in the transmission of sound over short distances between fixed points (on ships, companies, etc.).
"Rope phone" is also known for centuries. There are two diaphragms connected with string or wire.
Electric phone
Millennium after millennium people communicate only by using sound propagation in a continuous medium - air. To send messages over long distances use primitive methods, such as whistles, gongs or drums. An invention is a device that transmit and receive audio would use the properties of electricity, preceded the


London (born London [lʌndən] (i)) - a town in England, the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Administrative forms Greater London region, which consists of the ceremonial county of Greater London and the City.
Population - 8.2 million people (2011), the largest city in the European Union. Forms a conurbation 'Greater London', within the metropolitan zone population of over 12 million people. Located in the south-east of the United Kingdom, on the banks of the River Thames, about 80 km from the North Sea.
One of the global cities, competing with New York for the title of the world's leading financial center. River and sea ports and six airports, the world's oldest underground. There are more than 40 universities. Location of the British Museum, and the largest in the world at the British Library.
The historic center of the area so Westminster and the City of, which adjoins the medieval Tower of London. In the Fire of 1666, the city was heavily damaged.
Founded under the name Londinium Romans soon after their invasion of Britain in 43 AD. In the XI-XII centuries, became the capital of England. At the beginning of XVIII century became the capital of the United Kingdom and the largest city in Europe. From 1825 to 1925 was the largest city in the world. Since XVI to XX century was the capital of British
The Roman period
Londinium was founded by the Romans soon after their invasion of Britain in the summer of '43. Settlement on the north bank of the Thames at the confluence of the rivers Uolbruk was to protect the wooden bridge built over the River Thames. The Romans probably moved from the coast inland to the sea on the ancient road, pass through the ford near the modern Westminster Bridge.