Sea - an inland sea basin of the Atlantic. Bosphorus Strait connects
the Marmara Sea, then through the Dardanelles (the straits often called
the Black Sea straits) - the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. Kerch Strait
connects the Sea of Azov. From the north to the sea cut deep into the
Crimean peninsula. On the surface of the Black Sea water is the border
between Europe and Asia Minor.
Physical map of the Black Sea
area of the Black Sea - 422 000 km ² (according to other sources -
436 400 km ² ). The outlines of the Black Sea resemble the oval with the
greatest axis of about 1150 km. The greatest extent of the sea from
north to south - 580 km. Maximum depth - 2210 m , the average - 1240 The
volume of water in the sea is 555 km3. A characteristic feature of the
Black Sea is complete (except for a number of anaerobic bacteria), the
absence of life at depths of 150-200 m due to the saturation of the deep
layers of water with hydrogen sulfide.
The sea washes the shores
of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, the partially recognized
Abkhazia and Georgia (areas located around the sea, traditionally
referred to as the term "Black Sea").
Black Sea - an important
area of transportation, as well as one of the largest resort areas in
Eurasia. In addition, the Black Sea remains an important strategic and
military importance. In Sevastopol and Novorossiysk are the main
military base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol and
Novoozerne - Naval Forces of Ukraine, in Sinop and Samsun based grouping
of the Black Sea Navy of Turkey, in Varna - Bulgaria's Navy, Poti and
Batumi - Georgian Navy (currently time - the Department of State of the
Coast Guard of the Border Police of Georgia , in Constanta and Mangalia -
Navy Romania.
The Greek
name of the sea - Pontus Aksinsky (Greek Πόντος Ἄξενος, «Inhospitable
Sea"), found the name "Scythian". In "Geography" of Strabo (7.3.6) it
is assumed that the title Sea received because of difficulties with
navigation, as well as wild hostile tribes inhabiting its shores. But
most likely the Greeks embraced the local Scythian name of the sea,
representing reflex etc. Iran. * Axšaina - «dark blue", "dark",
correlated to its current title and reinvent it in consonance with the
Greek word "inhospitable". Later, after the successful development of
the coast of the Greek colonists, the sea was called Pontus Euxine
(Greek Πόντος Εὔξενος, «Hospitable Sea"). However, in Strabo (1.2.10)
there is mention of the fact that in the ancient Black Sea and just
called "the sea» (pontos). In more recent times, VI-XVII centuries, both
in Russian and in Arabic, Italian, and other sources through active sea
navigation Slavs used the name "Russian Sea". In "The Tale of Bygone
Years" states "A Dnepr vtechet in Pontskoe sea trmi Zherelo, hedgehog
sea slovet Ruska ..." .
The modern name "Black Sea" found its
corresponding map in most languages kabard.-cherk. XLI shIutsIe,
Greek. Μαύρη θάλασσα, Bulg. Black sea cargo. შავი ზღვა, rom. Marea
Neagră, Eng. Black Sea, tour. Karadeniz, Ukr. Nintendo sea Abkh. Amshyn
Eiқәa et al There are a number of hypotheses about the causes of the
Turks and other invaders who tried to conquer the people of
the seashore, met fierce resistance from the Circassians (Cherkess),
Abkhaz and other tribes, for which he was nicknamed Sea Karadeniz -
black, inhospitable.
Yet another, the origin of the name is based
on the fact that metal objects (eg, anchors), dropped in water deeper
than 150 m of the sea for a long time, covered with a touch of black by
the action of hydrogen sulfide.
Another hypothesis related to the
adoption of several Asian countries, "color" the designation of the
world, where "black" meant the north, respectively, the Black Sea -
North Sea.
The Black Sea coast are cut small, and
mostly in its northern part. The only large peninsula - Crimea. The
largest bays Yagorlytsky, Tendrov, Dzharylgach, Karkinitsky, Kalamitsky
and Feodosia in Ukraine, Varna and Burgas in Bulgaria, Sinop and Samsun -
the southern coast of the Sea, in Turkey. In the north and north-west
of the confluence of the rivers spill estuaries and brackish wetlands
are areas . The total length of coastline - 3,400 km.
parts of the coast of the sea have their own names: Southern Coast of
Crimea in Ukraine, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russia,
Rumelian Beach and Anatolian coast in Turkey. In the west and north-west
coast of the low-lying, sometimes steep, and in Crimea - mostly
low-lying, with the exception of the southern coast and mountainous
peninsula Tarhankut west. On the eastern and southern shores of the sea
close to the foothills of the Caucasus, and come close Pontic Mountains.
in the Black Sea is not enough. Dzharylgach largest island, with an
area 62 km ². The rest of the island is much smaller, the largest -
Berezan and the Snake (both of less than 1 km ²).
Flow into the
Black Sea following major rivers: the Danube, Dnieper, Dniester, as well
as smaller Mzymta Psou Bzyb Rioni, Kodori, Inguri (East Sea), Chorokhi
Kızılırmak, Eshilyrmak, Sakarya (in the south), the Southern Bug ( the
north). Annual river discharge into the Black Sea is about 310 km3, with
80% of this water shall be made in the north-western part of the shelf,
mainly the Danube and Dnieper
Black Sea fills an
isolated basin, located between the South-Eastern Europe and Asia Minor.
This depression formed in the Miocene epoch, in the process of active
mountain building, divided the ancient Tethys Ocean into several water
bodies (of whom later than the Black Sea, Azov formed, the Aral and
Caspian Seas).
One of the hypotheses of the Black Sea (see Black
Sea deluge theory) states that 7,500 years ago it represented the
deepest freshwater lake in the world, the level was lower than now more
than a hundred meters. At the end of the ice age sea levels rose and the
Bosphorus isthmus was broken. Flooded a total of 100 thousand km ²
(most fertile land already cultivated people). Flooding of these vast
lands, may have become the prototype of the myth of the Flood.
Interestingly, the same version of the origin of the sea were even
Pliny the Elder . The emergence of the Black Sea according to this
hypothesis presumably accompanied by mass mortality of freshwater lakes
of the living world, the product expansions - hydrogen sulfide - reaches
high concentrations at the bottom of the sea.
Black Sea Basin
consists of two parts - east and west, separated by a show of being a
natural extension of the Crimean peninsula. The northwestern part of the
sea is characterized by a relatively wide band of shelf (up to 190 km).
South Coast (owned by Turkey) and east (Georgia) is a cool character,
the bar shelf is 20 km and is dissected by a number of canyons and
valleys. The continental slope of the Black Sea significantly
dismembered submarine valleys. In the south of the sea, between Sinop
and Samsun parallel to the coast is a system of submarine ridges. The
central part of the Black Sea basin is a relatively flat plain. Depth
off the coast of the Crimea and the Black Sea coast are increasing very
rapidly, reaching elevations above 500 m is a few kilometers from the
coastline. Maximum depth (2210 m) reaches the sea in the center, south
of Yalta.
In the composition of rocks, stacking bottom of the sea
in the coastal zone is dominated by coarse deposits: pebbles, gravel,
sand. Away from the coast are replaced fine sands and silts. In the
north-western Black Sea common coquina, for the bed slope and sea basin
common pelitic silt.
Among the major mineral deposits which are at
the bottom of the sea: oil and natural gas on the North West Shelf,
offshore placer sands titanomagnetite (Taman Peninsula, the coast of the
Caucasus) . Stocks of methane stored in the form of gas hydrates in
deep-sea sediments of the Black Sea, was first found by the Internal
VNIIGAZ AG Ephraim and Zhizhchenko in 1972 (cruise of the "Moscow
University" ), current estimates are as high as 25 - 49 trillion cubic
meters of gas.
Hydrology and hydrochemistry
The water balance of the Black Sea consists of the following components :
precipitation (230 km ³ per year);
continental runoff (310 km ³ per year);
the flow of water from the Sea of Azov (30 km ³ per year);
water evaporation from the sea surface (-360 km ³ per year);
removal of water through the Bosphorus (-210 km ³ per year).
quantity of precipitation, with income from the Azov Sea and the river
flow exceeds the amount of evaporation from the surface, so that the
level of the Black Sea more than in Marmara. With this formed upstream
directed from the Black Sea through the Bosporus Strait. Downstream,
observed in the lower layers of water, less strongly expressed and sent
through the Bosphorus in the opposite direction (see the underwater
river in the Black Sea). Interaction of these trends further supports
vertical stratification of the sea, and is also used for fish migrations
between the seas.
It should be noted that due to the complicated
exchange of water with the Atlantic Ocean and the relatively small size
of the Sea to the Black Sea tidal range is very small and is only
observed on the devices. At the same time, sufficiently well defined
wind-surge phenomena under the influence of strong winter winds that
reach 2 m in the north-western part of the basin. When winter storms
can form waves up to 8.6 m in coils periodically occur seiches -
standing water level fluctuations, with amplitude of up to 40-50 cm, and
the oscillation period of a few minutes to several hours.
Black Sea is the world's largest meromictic (with necmeshivaemymi layers
of water) pond. Two masses of Black Sea water: surface - desalinated
and oxygen-rich and close to the air temperature and depth - more salty
and dense, with a constant temperature, oxygen-free (anaerobic zone),
separated by a boundary layer of water at a depth of 30 to 100 m (so
called cold intermediate layer or CIL). His temperature is always lower
than that of the deep water, as by cooling in the winter, he does not
have time to warm up for the summer. A layer of water in which the
temperature changes drastically, called the thermocline, a layer of
rapid changes in salinity - the halocline, the density of water
(depending on the temperature and salinity) - pycnocline. All those
sharp vertical changes in the properties of water in the Black Sea
region are concentrated in the CIL. Such vertical stratification
(layering) of Black Sea water salinity, temperature and density prevents
the vertical mixing of the sea and the depths of oxygen enrichment of
hydrogen sulfide . At depths of 150-200 meters in the Black Sea
chemocline is present, then there is a layer of sharp changes of
hydrochemical parameters (first of all, is the transition between oxygen
and hydrogen sulphide zones).
Single generally accepted
explanation for the origin of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea yet. It
is believed that this compound is in the Black Sea is formed mainly as a
result of vital activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria, pronounced
stratification of the water and the weak vertical exchange. Hydrogen
sulfide concentration increases with depth of 150 m, accounting for 0.19
mg per 1 liter of sea water to a depth of 2000 m, where it reaches the
maximum concentration of 9.6 mg / l of water. Thus, if we assume an
average concentration of 5.73 mg / l at a depth of 1240 m, the
approximate amount of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea is 3.1 billion
tons Some recent studies suggest the Black Sea as a giant reservoir not
only hydrogen sulfide and methane emitted probably also in the process
of microbial activity, as well as from the bottom of the sea.
circulation of water in the sea covers mainly the surface layer of
water. This layer of water has a salinity of about 18 ppm (in the
Mediterranean - 37 ppm) and saturated with oxygen and other elements
necessary for the activity of living organisms. This layer in the Black
Sea is subject to cyclonic circulation circular direction around the
perimeter of the pond. Simultaneously, in the coastal parts of the sea
constantly fixed local water circulation anticyclonic direction. The
temperature of the surface layers of water, depending on the season, in
the open sea ranges from an average of 6 to 25 ° C , sometimes reaching
30 ° C in the shallow water off the coast in the summer and freezing in
winter along the coast.
The bottom layer due to saturation with
hydrogen sulfide, contains no living organisms, with the exception of a
number of anaerobic sulfur bacteria (waste product of which is hydrogen
sulfide). Salinity is increased to 22-22,5 ppm, the average temperature
is ~ 8,5 ° C, the temperature at the maximum depth is 9,0-9,1 ° C.
circuit currents of the Black Sea are two huge closed cycle with a
wavelength of 350-400 km. In honor of Nicholas Knipovich oceanographer
who first described this scheme, it was called "Points Knipovich" .
climate of the Black Sea, in connection with his position
srednekontinentalnym mainly continental. The Black Sea coast and the
southern coast of the Crimea are protected by mountains from cold
northern winds and therefore have a mild Mediterranean climate, and to
the south-east of Tuapse - a humid subtropical climate.
Beach in Sunny Beach (Bulgaria)
impact on the weather in the Black Sea has the Atlantic Ocean, on which
arises most cyclones bringing bad weather at sea and storms. In the
north-east coast of the sea, especially in the area of Novorossiysk,
the low mountains are not a barrier to the cold northern air masses
that, rolling over them, results in a strong cold wind (boron), the
locals call it the "Nord-Ost". South-westerly winds in the Black Sea
region usually brings warmth and quite humid Mediterranean air masses.
In summer, the sea is a spur of the Azores anticyclone. As a result, for
most of the sea with warm wet winters and hot, dry summers.
average January temperature in the northern part of the Black Sea +2 °
C, but in some years can drop up to -10 ° C or more. In the areas
adjacent to the South coast of the Crimea and the Caucasus, the winter
is much milder: the temperature rarely drops below +5 ° C. Snow,
however, occasionally falls in the northern seas. The average July
temperature is in the north sea - +23 - +25 ° C. Maximum temperatures
are not so high due to the mitigating effect of the water tank and do
not usually exceed 37 ° C. The warmest place on the Black Sea coast -
the coast of the Caucasus, in particular the city of Gagra on the
territory of modern Abkhazia (average annual temperature +17 ° C).
rain falls in the Black Sea on the coast of the Caucasus (1500 mm per
year), the lowest - in the north-western part of the sea (about 300 mm
per year). Clouds over the year an average of 60%, with a maximum in
winter and minimum in summer.
The waters of the Black Sea, as a
rule, are not subject to freezing. However, in very severe and prolonged
winter, the northern part of the sea may be covered with ice, but it is
no more than once every few decades. Average water temperature in the
sea is not lower than +7-8 ° C .
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