Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven (German: Ludwig van Beethoven, the original emphasis otherwise - Beethoven: [lu ː t.vɪç fan be ː t. ˌ ho ː f (ə) n] (inf.), baptized December 17, 1770, Bonn, Westphalia - March 26, 1827, Vienna, archduchy Austria) - German composer, conductor and pianist, one of the three "Viennese classics."
Beethoven - a key figure in Western classical music, between classicism and romanticism, one of the most respected and performed composers in the world. He wrote in all existed in his time, genres, including opera, music, dramatic performances, choral works. The most significant of his legacy are considered instrumental works: piano, violin and cello sonatas, concertos for piano, violin, string quartets, overtures, symphonies. Beethoven's creativity has had a significant impact on the symphony XIX and XX centuries.
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in December 1770 in Bonn. The exact date of birth is not installed, presumably it on December 16, is known only to the date of baptism - 17th December 1770 in Bonn, in the Catholic church of St. Remigius. His father, Johann (Johann van Beethoven, 1740-1792) was a singer, a tenor, in the court chapel, mother of Mary Magdalene, before her marriage Kever (Maria Magdalena Keverich, 1748-1787), was the daughter of a court chef in Koblenz, they married in 1767. Grandfather
Ludwig (1712-1773) served in the same chapel as Johann, first singer, bass, then a conductor. He was born in Mechelen in the Southern Netherlands, hence the prefix "van" before the name. Father of the composer wanted to make the second son of Mozart and was learning to play the harpsichord and violin. In 1778, in
Cologne, the first performance took place on the boy. However, the miracle child Beethoven did not, the father of the boy entrust their colleagues and friends. One taught Ludwig play the organ, the other - on the violin.
In 1780, in Bonn came organist and composer Christian Gottlob nave. He became the teacher of Beethoven. nave immediately realized that the boy had talent. He acquainted with Ludwig's "Well-Tempered Clavier" by Bach and Handel, as well as with the music of older contemporaries F. E. Bach, Haydn and Mozart. Thanks to the nave, was published and the first essay Beethoven - Variations on a March by Dressler. Beethoven at the time was twelve years old, and he worked as an assistant court organist.
Among her favorite writers Beethoven - Ancient Greek authors Homer and Plutarch, English dramatist Shakespeare, German poets Goethe and Schiller.
At this time, Beethoven began to compose music, but not in a hurry to publish his works. Much is written in Bonn was later reworked them. Of youthful composer's works are three known children's sonatas and several songs, including "Marmot".
But studies have not included: Beethoven learned of his mother's illness and returned to Bonn. She died July 17, 1787. Seventeen young man was forced to become the head of the family and take care of his younger brother. He enrolled in the orchestra as a violist. It put the French, Italian and German opera. A particularly strong impression on the young man made Gluck and Mozart.
In 1789, Beethoven, wishing to continue their education, began to attend lectures at the university. It was at this time in Bonn comes the news of the revolution in France. One of the professors of the University publishes a collection of poems in praise of the revolution. Beethoven subscribes to it. Then he writes, "The song of a free man," which are the words: "Free the one for whom the benefits are nothing of birth and title."
While living in Bonn joined Freemasonry. The exact date of his initiation is absent. We only know that he was a Mason as a young man. Freemasonry is the proof of Beethoven's letter, written by the composer Franz Vegeleru mason, which he agreed to dedicate one of his Masonic cantata known as «Das Werk beginnt!» Is also known that Beethoven eventually lost interest in Freemasonry and took no active in its activities participation .
On the way from England to Bonn stopped Haydn. He spoke approvingly of the composer Beethoven experiments. The young man decides to go to Vienna to take lessons from the renowned composer, since his return from England, Haydn became even more famous. In autumn 1792 Beethoven left Bonn.
The first ten years in Vienna
Arriving in Vienna, Beethoven began his studies with Haydn, later claimed that Haydn did not teach him anything; lessons quickly disappointed and student, and teacher. Beethoven believed that Haydn was not attentive to his efforts, Haydn frightened not only daring at the time the views of Ludwig, but rather gloomy melodies, that at that time was less common. Once Haydn wrote Beethoven
Haydn was soon moved to England and gave his student a famous teacher and theorist Albrechtsberger. In the end, he chose Beethoven mentor - Antonio Salieri.
Already in the first years of his life in Vienna, Beethoven gained fame virtuoso pianist. His performance impressed the audience.
Beethoven boldly contrasted the extreme registers (and at that time, played mainly in the middle), a widely used pedal (it then also applied rarely) used the massive chordal harmonies. In fact, it was he who created the piano style, far from exquisite lace manners Harpsichord.
This style can be found in his piano sonatas № 8 "Pathetique" (the name given by the composer himself), № 13 and № 14. Both authors have a subtitle Sonata quasi una Fantasia («in the spirit of imagination"). Sonata № 14 Relshtab poet later called "Moonlight", and, although this name is good only to the first part, not the final, it was fixed for all the work.
Beethoven also strongly distinguished by their appearance among the ladies and gentlemen of the time. Almost always found him casually dressed and unkempt.
Beethoven at different sharpness. Once, when he played in a public place, one of the guests began to talk to a lady; Beethoven immediately interrupted speech and added : ​​"So the pigs I will not play!". And no apologies and entreaties have not helped.
Another time, Beethoven was staying at Prince Lichnowsky. Lichnowsky highly respected composer and was a fan of his music. He wanted Beethoven played to the crowd. Composer did. Lichnowsky insisted and even ordered to break down the door of the room where Beethoven was locked. Angered by the composer left the property and returned to Vienna. The next morning Lichnowsky Beethoven sent a letter: "Prince! What I am, I owe to myself. Princes and there will be a thousand, Beethoven, - the only one! "
However, despite such a severe nature, Beethoven's friends thought he was pretty good man. So, for example, the composer has never refused to close friends for help. One of his quotes [
Beethoven's compositions have been widely published and to be successful. For the first ten years in Vienna, was created twenty piano sonatas and three piano concertos, eight sonatas for violin, string quartets and other chamber works, the oratorio "Christ on the Mount of Olives," ballet "Creatures of Prometheus", the First and Second Symphonies.
In 1796, Beethoven began to lose hearing. He develops tinit - inflammation of the inner ear, resulting in tinnitus. On the advice of doctors he retires permanently in the small town of Heiligenstadt. But peace and quiet do not improve his health. Beethoven begins to realize that deafness is incurable. In these tragic days, he wrote a letter, which will be announced later hayligenshtadtskim will. The composer talks about his experiences, admits to being close to suicide.
In Heiligenstadt composer begins work on the new Third Symphony, which would call heroic.
As a result of Beethoven's deafness preserved unique historical documents, "conversational notebook" where friends of Beethoven recorded his lines for him, to which he responded either orally or in writing a response.
But musician Schindler, who were two notebooks with records of conversations of Beethoven, in all probability, he burned them, because "they contain the most rough, violent attacks against the Emperor and the Crown Prince and other dignitaries. This, unfortunately, has been a favorite theme of Beethoven, Beethoven in the conversation always resented the powers that be, their laws and regulations ".
Later years (1802-1815)
When Beethoven was 34 years old, Napoleon abandoned the ideals of the French Revolution, and declared himself Emperor. Therefore Beethoven refused intent to dedicate his Third Symphony, "This, too, Napoleon ordinary man. Now he will trample down all human rights, and become a tyrant ".
In his own style of piano works of composer visible already in the early sonatas, but the maturity of the symphony came to him later. According to Tchaikovsky, only in the Third Symphony "revealed for the first time the whole vast, amazing power of the creative genius of Beethoven".
Deafness due to Beethoven rarely leaves the house, loses sound perception. He becomes sullen, closed. In these years, one after another composer created his most famous works. During these years, Beethoven works on his only opera "Fidelio." This operation belongs to the genre of opera "horror and salvation." The success of "Fidelio" came only in 1814, when the opera was staged first in Vienna and then in Prague, where she conducted the famous German composer Weber and finally in Berlin.
Recent years
After 1812 the composer's creative activity at the time of falling. However, three years later he began working with the same energy. At this time, set up piano sonatas with the 28th at the latest, 32th, two sonatas for cello quartet, vocal cycle "To the Distant Beloved." Much time is spent and folk songs. Along with Scottish, Irish, Welsh, are Russian. But the principal of the last two years have been the most monumental works of Beethoven - "Missa Solemnis" and Symphony № 9 with the chorus.
Ninth Symphony was performed in 1824. Audience arranged composer ovation. It is known that Beethoven had his back to the room and did not hear anything, then one of the singers took his hand and turned to face the audience. People waved handkerchiefs, hats, arms, welcoming the composer. The ovation lasted so long that the present police officials immediately demanded that it stop. Similar greetings were allowed only to the person of the emperor.
In Austria, after the defeat of Napoleon, was established police state. Funky revolution government prohibits any "free thought." Numerous undercover agents infiltrated all levels of society. In Beethoven's notebooks spoken now and then there are warnings: "Silence! Beware, there's a spy! "And perhaps, after some particularly bold expression of the composer:" You'll end up on the scaffold! "
However, the popularity of Beethoven was so great that the government did not dare touch him. Despite deafness, composer continues to be aware of not only political, but also music news. He reads (that is, listening to the inner ear) scores of operas by Rossini, browse the collection of songs by Schubert , met with the operas of German composer Weber's "Freischütz" and "Euryanthe." Arriving in Vienna, Weber visited Beethoven. They have breakfast together, and Beethoven, usually not given to the ceremonies, took care of his guests.
After the death of the composer's younger brother takes care of his son. Beethoven's nephew puts in the best apartments and instructs his pupil Carl Czerny deal with it music. Composer wanted the boy to become a scientist or an artist, but that is not attracted to art, cards and billiards. Embarrassed, he attempted suicide. This attempt has not caused any harm, the bullet only just scratched the skin on the head. Beethoven was very upset about this. His health deteriorated. The composer develops a serious disease of the liver.
Beethoven's funeral
Beethoven died on March 26, 1827. More than twenty thousand people went behind his coffin. During the funeral was performed Beethoven's favorite requiem mass Requiem in C Minor by Luigi Cherubini. At the grave voiced speech, written by the poet Franz Grillparzer.
Beethoven began to give piano lessons back in Bonn. His disciple Stephen Bonn Breyning to the end remained the most faithful friend of the composer. Breyning helped to rework the libretto Beethoven "Fidelio." In Vienna, a pupil of Beethoven was young Countess Giulietta Gvichchardi. Juliet was a relative of Brunswick, the son of the composer visited frequently. Beethoven carried away by his student and was even thinking about getting married. Summer 1801 was spent in Hungary, in the estate of Brunswick. According to one hypothesis, that there was composed by "Moonlight Sonata". The composer dedicated it to Juliet. However, he chose to Juliet Count Gallenberga, considering it was his talented composer. On the writings of Count critics wrote that they can specify exactly which of the works of Mozart or Cherubini borrowed this or that tune. Beethoven was a student and Theresa Brunswick. She had a musical talent - perfectly played the piano, sang and even orchestrated.
Acquainted with the famous Swiss educator Pestalozzi, she decided to devote herself to raising children. In Hungary, opened Theresa charity kindergartens for poor children. Until his death (Teresa died in 1861, at an advanced age), it has remained true to the chosen cause. Beethoven linked with Teresa long friendship. After the composer's death, it was found a long letter, which was called "A Letter to the immortal beloved." Addressee letter is unknown, but some researchers believe the "immortal beloved" Therese Brunswick.
Beethoven was a student and Dorothea Ertman, one of the best pianists in Germany. One of the contemporaries spoke of her.
Ertman famous performance of Beethoven's works. The composer dedicated a sonata number 28. Learn that Dorothea child died, Beethoven long played ey.V late 1801 in Vienna came Ferdinand Ries. Ferdinand was the son of the Bonn Kapellmeister, a family friend Beethoven. The composer took the boy. Like other students of Beethoven, Rice already had a tool and also composed. Beethoven once played him just finished adagio. Music is like the young man that he had memorized it by heart. Going to Prince Lichnowsky, Rice played a song. Prince taught beginning and came to the composer, said that he wants to play his work. Beethoven, little ceremonies with princes, refused to listen. Lichnowsky but still played. Beethoven guessed about the antics of Rice and terribly angry. He banned the student to listen to their new works and really never did he not play. Once Rice played his march, having given his Beethoven. The audience were delighted. Were here the composer did not expose the student. He just said to him.
Once Rhys was able to hear the new creation of Beethoven. Somehow they got lost on a walk and returned home in the evening. On the way Beethoven growling rough melody. When he got home, he immediately sat down at the piano and, carried away, forgot about the presence of the student. Thus was born the final "Appassionata."
At one time, with Rhys in Beethoven started and Carl Czerny. Charles was, perhaps, the only child of Beethoven's pupils. He was only nine years old, but he has given concerts. His first teacher was his father, a famous Czech educator Wenzel Czerny. When Charles first came to the apartment of Beethoven, where, as always, was a mess, and saw a man with dark unshaven face, in the vest of coarse woolen cloth, then took him to Robinson Crusoe.
Czerny prozanimalsya Beethoven five years, after which the composer gave him a document marked "exceptional student success and worthy of surprise musical memory". Memory Czerny really was amazing, he knew by heart all the piano works of teachers.
Mob soon began teaching career and soon became one of the best teachers in Vienna. Among his students was Theodor Leschetizky, which can be considered one of the founders of the Russian piano school. Since 1858 Leschetizky lived in St. Petersburg, and from 1862 to 1878 he taught at the newly opened conservatory. Here he studied AN Yesipova, later professor of the same conservatory, VI Safonov, professor and director of the Moscow Conservatory, SM Maikapar.
In 1822 he came to the black father of the boy, who came from the Hungarian town Doboryan. The boy had no notion of the proper planting, or about fingering, but an experienced teacher immediately realized that before it extraordinary, talented, maybe a genius child. Boy called Franz Liszt. Prozanimalsya sheet at the Black half. His success was so great that the teacher allowed him to speak to the public. The concert was attended Beethoven. He guessed a gifted boy and kissed him. Sheet life kept the memory of that kiss.
Not Rice, not black, and the leaves are inherited Beethoven style of play. Like Beethoven, Liszt treats the piano as an orchestra. During a tour of Europe, he advocated creation of Beethoven, performing not only his piano works, but the symphony, which he adapted for the piano. At the time, Beethoven's music, especially symphonic, was still unknown to the general audience. In 1839, Liszt came to Bonn. Here for a few years are going to erect a monument to the composer, but progress is slow.
Causes of death
August 29, 2007 the Viennese pathologist and forensic expert Christian Reiter (Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine Medical University of Vienna) suggested that inadvertently hastened Beethoven's death his physician Andreas Vavrukh who repeatedly puncturing the patient peritoneum (to bring the liquid), and then superimposed on the wounds lotions that contain lead. Research conducted Reuter hair showed that the levels of lead in the body of Beethoven increased sharply after each doctor's visit.

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